Therapeutic massage
Therapeutic massage is a technique used by osteopaths to relieve muscle tension, improve tissue mobility, and promote blood and lymphatic circulation. Unlike traditional massages, which primarily focus on relieving stress and tension, a therapeutic massage is specifically designed to support the principles and goals of osteopathy.
During a therapeutic massage session, the practitioner uses deep and targeted massage techniques to address areas of tension and restriction in the soft tissues of the body. These techniques may include stretching, gentle joint mobilizations, deep pressure, and other manipulations to release tense muscles and restore balance and functionality in the body's structures.
Therapeutic massage is often used in conjunction with other osteopathic techniques, such as joint and visceral manipulations, to provide a holistic approach to treating musculoskeletal disorders and body pains. It is typically practiced by trained and licensed osteopaths who tailor massage techniques based on the specific needs of each patient.
Vaucluse, FR
+33 6 75 44 17 29
Vaucluse, FR
+33 6 75 44 17 29