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D.O. osteopath
Integrative osteopathy

Marina RAKIĆ D.O. osteopath is graduated from a French osteopathy school, I have gained significant knowledge about various existing therapies as well as conventional medicine.

Drawing on my experience and extensive travels, I have developed a new approach to health that is more rigorous and comprehensive, offering numerous treatment possibilities.

It is crucial not to focus solely on the physical aspect of the human body if long-term healing is desired. We are more than just a physical body. We experience emotions, endure daily stress, and strive to balance all these external factors beyond our awareness.

Area of expertise

Osteopathic diagnosis, assessment of tissue saturation in the body, professional advice, and referral to other therapists if necessary.

I offer a rigorous and comprehensive health journey adapted to the patient's needs for better care and quality follow-up.

As each individual has their own history, it is important to first diagnose the informational state of the human body by asking questions such as:

  • How is the quality of the body's tissues (joint density, muscles, organs, nerves...)?

  • What is the individual's posture like? Does he/she have a postural memory that destabilizes them daily?

  • How is their emotional management? What is their life journey?

By asking these types of questions, we bring more precision and rigor to the therapeutic world. Creating a comprehensive health journey, tailored to the patient's needs, with an intelligent treatment approach, allows us to provide perfect healthcare.

The more the individual feels properly cared for, the more they understand the mechanisms of their body and its language; this positively impacts the improvement of their health.

For Who?

For everyone, from infants to seniors.

It is also possible to work with pregnant women, either to provide comfort or to prepare them for childbirth.

With athletes, to improve their physical abilities.

After surgeries, injuries, or traumas, to aid in the healing process.

Furthermore, by influencing the emotional and mental system, we can assist anxious individuals, provide comfort in psychological conditions, and address emotional disorders.







Pregnant women






Any recovery




My Approach

Because we cannot separate the physical body from the subtle bodies, I work with this holistic approach to find a balance between all the planes that make up a human being: the physical, emotional, mental, spiritual, and social.

My uniqueness lies in working at a profound level, employing deep tissue techniques to release and cleanse the old tissue memories trapped in the body, causing congestion and affecting its proper physiological processes.

About me

I am a Franco-Serbian osteopath traveling worldwide to understand the influences of beliefs, traditions, lifestyle, and culture on the development of human consciousness, as well as their impact on the human body and the management of its health.

Marina’s international experience is wonderful.
She is bringing something different and new here in Osteopathy where global vision, worldwide medicine knowledge and integrative practice meet all together to heal and improve your lifestyle. She has all my trust.
Salon avec des plantes

Contact Me

For any question or request, please send me a message and I will answer you as soon as possible.

Thanks for submitting!



Vaucluse, FR


+33 6 75 44 17 29




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© 2023 par Marina Rakić, D.O. 

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